Cloud computing

& DevOps

We work with tools and practices that increase service delivery capacity.

We work for cloud computing

Connected to the network, have control of your company in your hands anywhere, anytime. Store data and retrieve data through any device closest to you, with a guarantee of well-provided services. Choose your best or appropriate way to have control:

Public Cloud

Enable the provision of computing resources such as servers and storage over the Internet.

Private Cloud

Have Cloud Computing Capabilities Unique to Your Business.

Hybrid Cloud

Share data and apps between public clouds and private clouds.

We work for DevOps

Automation and optimization of processes is Thechnister’s specialty, for this we have adopted integration practices between software developers and operations to have greater quality control in order to quickly produce our services.

continuous Integration

Easy transfer of knowledge and experience between Development areas.

Continuous Delivery

Quick and continuous release of new versions of software or services.

Continuous Feedback

Frequent feedback from teams involved in all phases of the software or service lifecycle.


We want to leverage your company with the best tools

cloud providers

A cloud provider is a company that delivers cloud computing based services and solutions to businesses and/or individuals. This service organization may provide rented and provider-managed virtual hardware, software, infrastructure and other related services.

Purpose: Remote access to a wide variety of information;


  • Low cost
  • High speed
  • Global Scale
  • Produtivity
  • Reability
  • Security

Our best tools

Google cloud plataform

Amazon web services



DevOps Orchestrators

It is a set of practices for integration between software development, operations (infrastructure or sysadmin) and support teams involved in quality control and adoption of automated processes for the fast and safe production of applications and services.


  • Ease of proactive intervention
  • Security
  • Collaboration between teams

Our best tools




Octopus Deploy

Learn more about these and other tools and technologies, we’ll be ready to let you know. join our team.

Ⓒ 2021- Thechinster-Software-Solutions-LD